Golf course etiquette is one of the most important things to learn about the game! You never know what interesting situations you'll find yourself in when playing a round with friends. Take the example above with Dawn and Shelley : if the other player's ball is in the way of your shot, you may ask the player to please mark their ball. In the photo above, Shelley marked her ball first - as hers was slightly ahead of Dawn's. Kudos to both for avoiding the sand trap!
Above? All three balls end up in the same place around this drain. Some of the strangest things happen on the course! The rules and etiquette imply that the player with the ball farthest out
from the hole is to go first. In the event the other player's balls are
in the way, you cannot touch their ball, but you may ask them
to please mark their ball. In this case, if the drain (as pictured
above) were impeding our swing or stance, we are allowed a free drop (not
closer to the hole).